Got them today… about $200 worth of 3-color vinyl, with paid labor to plot and vector out the numbers. Quite a bit of money, but they are soooooo pretty, and sooooo big!
I also scored 5 tires with the correct wheels.
I have tomorrow off, and HUGE to-do list!
-Shop for rollbar covers
-Get crap tires off of wheels
-Paint wheels
-Buy new tires
-Put new tires on shiny red wheels
-Paint fenders
-Put all old tires and wheels on Craigslist
If I have time and Chad lets me use his lift…
-Take old rear flares off
-Attach new flares
-Take off old tires and replace with shiny red ones
Here’s hoping it’s not a million degrees again!
Alfonso Lozano
January 21st, 2012
How can I get these decals? my brother owns a wrangler and wants to customize it
AJ Quick
May 24th, 2012
You can go to your local sign shop or try (they do our decals).
April 30th, 2014
If you don’t mind what font and dimensions did you use, I want to get the most accurate one as possible.