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Posts Tagged ‘Jeep #12’

Jeep #12: Amberlamps!

To follow in Boomerjink’s footsteps I am finally getting my Amber Lights ready to be installed on the rear of my Jeep. These lights are Explorer Pro-Comp 9250 lights that I bought from an online retailer. They took 2-3 months to arrive. Not going to recommend that company here.

The lights are extremely close to the ones on the original Jeeps, and I would not be surprised if an older style of these lights were what was used. They must have updated the lights recently though, as the lenses were actually clear, and the reflective surface was what was amber. So in order for these to actually look right they need to be painted.

Here is what I used to paint the lenses. It is Krylon Stained Glass paint in amber color. Its about $10 for a spray can and is available at Michaels Arts and Crafts store.

The lenses in the Explorer Pro-Comp are made of glass, which makes them very easy to paint. If you screw up, it can be sanded down.

Here is where the lights mount. Note that there is a bolt on the bottom to secure to the top of the rear light.. It actually sits down on top of that light and does not stick up this high. The lenses are also not installed in this photo…

Hopefully I can get these installed and wired in the next few days.

Jeep #12: Half Painted Fenders

You may have recalled that I ordered and recieved a set of new fenders a month ago. The fenders were completely black primer and ready for paint, and I know that when I get the Jeep painted that they will probably not paint the inside of the fender. So I ordered up a spray can of Sand Biege Low Gloss Metallic from an online paint suppler. I prepped the fender with a little surface cleaner and then put on two and a half coats. Turns out there isn’t as much paint in those cans as you would think… but atleast one fender looks well coated on the inside.

Jeep #12: Back to Action

Well. It has been a long time since I have posted an update. It has been very busy the last month or so, and I have not had the time (weather permitting) to work much on the Jeep. This week I am making some progress on some very important parts. For today, the following things have been replaced: Transfer Case Seal, Transfer Case Fluid, Transmission Fluid, Rear Brakes, Rear Bump Stops, Rear Shocks.

Its nice to get some work done. Hopefully this week I will be able to take care of the rear frame rust issue. If not there is still a few components that need to be done on the front suspension yet.

Jeep #12: Jurassic Park #12 License Plates

I ordered one of these two weeks ago from ThriftySigns.com. Its my own design that I submitted to them. Its a fairly decent plate, and isn’t too bad for under $20. I notice now that I made the 12 the wrong shape and size, and the I.N. C.R. needs a bit of work… but it gets the message across. The whole thing is several layers of vinyl, which I wasn’t expecting!

Jeep #12: Sweet Motorized Searchlights

I managed to pick up three Jabsco 135SL searchlights from eBay for the lightbar on the Jeep. These are the real deals as found on Jeep #12 in the movie. They are fully motorized and able to rotate and sweep almost the entire area of the Jeep! They normally retail for $200, but I managed to pick up these three for about $120 each. I just need to find one more.

Jeep #12: Jeep Poncho

Tonight is the first night it is supposed to have a slight chance of rain. As you can see the hardtop is no longer on, and I haven’t had the time to install the soft top yet. So I picked up this nifty Bestop cover that will keep the rain out. Pretty cool actually, takes only a few minutes to put on and take off.

Jeep #12: New Personalized License Plates

I got my new plates in the mail yesterday and just got around to installing them. They are personalized plates that say “JP 12”. Check them out:

Jeep #12: Fenders are Here… Finally.

Kind of funny that the very first things I bought after I got the Jeep were new fenders, and they were almost the last to arrive. I picked these up on eBay from pershingautobodyparts03. They did a great amount of work to get these things to me and ensure that they were OEM quality. I am extremely impressed at the quality and especially the price. There is absolutely no way they made any money on these things after eBay fees, PayPal fees and Shipping. They were only $220 shipped, which is probably a hundred dollars cheaper than anywhere else.

Jeep #12: New Foglights Installed

Finally got around to installing the new Delta 150 foglights on the front bumper. They actually match the original Jurassic Park lights pretty closely as long as you can get the old style light guards like I managed to get. They have a very similar cross hatching.

In order to get them to fit on the front bumper, their brackets needed to be turned around. This gives them enough clearance to clear the fender horns.

To test out the new foglights, I drove the Jeep…. like this:

Jeep #12: Herculiner Part 2

It took quite a bit of time for the first coat of the Herculiner to setup in the rear. I have applied another coat and a half to the back area, and am fairly certain that is all done. Now came the time to do the front area, and that is a major pain in the ass. The rear area was more or less for practice. It was a smooth area without a lot of corners and cracks.

The front is much different. Lots of it needs to be applied with the brush, and the areas to be rolled on are quite difficult. It took another 2-3 hours prepping, masking and painting this first coat. It will take 4-6 hours to dry, so a 2nd and hopefully third and final coat can go on tonight for it to be ready by tomorrow.

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